Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Music and Talentquest

Last week it was very quiet in the grounds of the College at lunch-time. Not because it was the holidays, nor because of an illness that had struck down 90% of the pupils. The reason was Talentquest. Let WI explain:


The last couple of days I went to the talent quest. There were a lot of performers singing, dancing acting instrumental bands and a lot more. They were all great. But there were only a few that I really liked. That was the dances and the singers. If I was up there I would get my skateboard and start doing some real cool moves. I would kickflip, varial kickflip get out some grinds and start board sliding and 50 50s, and then I would finish off by ollying off the stage. But I get stage fright so I wouldn’t be able to do my moves because I’ll be too nervous.

My favourite music/ group is hip hop because they have some cool moves when their dancing and they are good at singing I also like this music because it’s the sort of music my Friends, Family and I like listening to.The only things my Family doesn’t like in hip hop is all the swearing in it but we still listen to it especially reggae.


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