Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Music and Talentquest

Last week it was very quiet in the grounds of the College at lunch-time. Not because it was the holidays, nor because of an illness that had struck down 90% of the pupils. The reason was Talentquest. Let WI explain:


The last couple of days I went to the talent quest. There were a lot of performers singing, dancing acting instrumental bands and a lot more. They were all great. But there were only a few that I really liked. That was the dances and the singers. If I was up there I would get my skateboard and start doing some real cool moves. I would kickflip, varial kickflip get out some grinds and start board sliding and 50 50s, and then I would finish off by ollying off the stage. But I get stage fright so I wouldn’t be able to do my moves because I’ll be too nervous.

My favourite music/ group is hip hop because they have some cool moves when their dancing and they are good at singing I also like this music because it’s the sort of music my Friends, Family and I like listening to.The only things my Family doesn’t like in hip hop is all the swearing in it but we still listen to it especially reggae.


Friday, 17 August 2007


This week we have been looking at plays and trying to write our own scripts.

The task was to pick two famous people who might meet. Describe what they are like, how they came to meet, what they said and then what happened.

Here are two of the results:

Jim carry is a man who like’s to make people laugh.Tony hawk’s is a person that likes to skate and has heaps of fans.
Jim was walking down the road. Tony hawks was riding down the road and he tripped up on a rock and went flying into Jim carry. And he got up.
Mr H: “Are you alright? Sorry about that”
JC: “It’s alright! Where were you going to in a rush?”
Mr H: “ I was going to the skate park. would you like to come too and maybe I could show you a few moves if you like Jc” sorry I don’t think I’ll be able to make it
MR.H” why’s that JC”
“I was planning to meet some friends for lunch
“that’s all right.”
They just go of and do there own thing.



Ryan Sheckler VS Rodney Mullen

Ryan Sheckler, he’s 16/18 years old, he’s a pro skater, he has long hair
Rodney Mullen, he’s a pro skater, he’s’ 25/35 years old, he has short hair

Ryan Sheckler was skating on top of a roof. He had a fans watching him. But he didn’t know that Rodney Mullen was watching as well so he Ryan went to go varial kick flip a gap about 10 meters high in the air. And the fans starts to clap. Rodney Mullen starts to get jealous. And starts to skate, he starts of with a manual then he flips it into a primo and then he flips his board and lands on it with his hands, then lands back on his feet.
Ryan Sheckler came down: “That was great.”
Rodney Mullen :” I thought you were going to come and argue with me.”
Ryan: “ Why would I do that “
Rodney :”Because I stole your fans,”
oh that’s alright said Ryan, You’re a real great skater thanks


Lotto Win

If I won a million dollars

I would give 1000 dollars each to my brothers and sisters. Then I would give 10 grand to my parents. And spend the rest on my self. I would buy me a real flash 2 storey house and get a 50 inch TV with a PS3 and all the latest games and my very own skate park in the back yard. Then I would build my own restaurant and be the head chef there. So I make more money. And then I would bye me a Hummer and do it up. And if I have any money left I would go travelling.

Friday, 3 August 2007

Week 3

In the last 2 weeks we have looked at newspapers and the reasons why we read them. We also had a visit from the inventor of Krumping - Tommy the Clown. He came to visit the whole school, not just our class. In case you haven't heard of Tommy before, I will post a link to a clip from YouTube below the student's work:

Sports report : The Warriors v The Knights

Boom the warriors win a gain a push there spot to fourth making this the best Warriors squad in five years. With Wade scoring two tries a same as Rovelli and then with Steve Pries getting his first ever runaway try. 24-4 at half time, it’s like it can’t get any worse for the Knight then what it is but it dose when Vatuvei gets an 80 meters try with Jarome getting one right after him. Making it 52-10 at full time now giving the a good chance of semis .

by TN (Good luck for your new life in Australia)


Tommy the krumping clown

Tommy the krumping clown is very energetic person and first started krumping in 1992 after he served time in prison but Ever since tommy the krumping clown has served time in prison when he came out he realised that there are better things out there than just drugs, alcohol and gangs.
Tommy the krumping clown has set an example for not just me but a lot of Americans but for a lot of people at Kaitaia College.
Today was the best time I’ve had at school since primary.
Tommy the krumping clown put on the best performance I’ve ever seen .His performance was very entertaining because it had a lot of krumping, hip hop and brake dancing. Tommy the krumping clown doesn’t just perform by himself but with four other great Krumpers there names are Larry, Rocky, King Tai and Casper.

Report by VW
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