Sunday, 3 June 2007

Short Stories

This entry features one completed piece of work. The class was asked to write a 200 word story. They could make up their own theme, or they could use one of two given starters.

Here is what JS wrote:


As the smoke cleared I could see a gigantic pig with space technology was walking towards me with a alien space gun ready to shot. The gigantic pig had a crew with space guns. They was a gigantic duck, flea, milliped and a roster. They all aimed and
shot luckily I could do matrix I dodged all the plasma ballets but one it hit me right in the nuts man it hurt so much. I went flying back and landed in some white sticky staff.
I got super powers and gave them all a hiding and got me a hot girl friend. 2000000 weeks later the gigantic pig and his crew came back but he had backup this time. He had venom and sand man with him this time so I called up Spiderman and black goblin then the gigantic pig called up green goblin blue goblin and same 100 more gigantic ducks then I called up super man super women and super dog and cat and duck and pig. I went super sayin and done a spirit bomb. “ ha ha I won you suck so just (go back) to your own plant you gigantic pig and other smaller things.


As always your comments are welcome and invited. Nothing is put on this blog without the permission of the student who wrote it. Some pupils do not want some of their work published, sometimes because it is personal. Others are keen to have their work reach a wider audience.

Mr B


Unknown said...

I would recommend that you write your item in MS Word (with spell check on) to ensure spelling is OK and then paste the content into the blog.
To copy highlight the text and use CTRL+C and then CTRL+V to paste.

Alternatively highlight text & right click mouse, click copy and in space on blog entry right click & hit paste

However, good entry.

Mr B said...

Thanks for that comment. We discussed it in class today and when we did our computer work, some people used spell check to correct their work.
You will see the results in the next post.
Mr B

Unknown said...

Spell check is not a complete answer as it will miss words correctly spelt, but used in the wrong context.
American spelling does not help either colour spelt color favourites spelt favorites etc.

Mr B said...

Is there a better alternative than spell check? Or do we just have to watch out for Ameriican spelling?

Unknown said...

Whatever, word processing programme you are using (I assume you are using Microsoft office)ensure you have the default language set to English (New Zealand).
It's interesting to see how many versions of English Microsoft support.

Unknown said...
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