Saturday, 31 March 2007


This week we had a go at writing limericks. They are funny poems with 5 lines and a pattern of rhyming where the first, second and fifth lines all rhyme, as do the third and fourth lines. Limericks are often a bit rude, but we kept ours clean.


There was a young lad from Kaitaia
Who put his Gran in the drier
He had no regrets
for he said she was wet
and there was no more room by the fire

(Thanks to Mr Stephenson for that one!)


There was a girl from Pukepoto
Who broke her sister's photo
Her sister was mad
and made her all sad
So she made her one out of potato.

(By K)


There was a man on Brotown
He ended up being a clown
He had a small daughter
Who smoked in the corner
And her teeth were ever so brown

(By S)


Here is a bit of an anti-limerick from C

There was a girl from Kaitaia
who didn't realsie her hair was on fire
She fell on a stake
And got a tummy-ache
But she was a liar!

A girl from Taipa
Noticed the girl from Kaitaia
Was a big fat liar
She noticed there was hair
Over there
On her head
So it couldn't have been on fire.


And finally one from Mr B:

There was a man from Te Kao
Who was trying to milk his cow
He found no milk there
So he tried milking a bear
But the bear just said "Not evenow"


Our class would love to hear your favourite limericks, especially if they are funny and only if they are clean!
Thanks for reading our blog and a big thanks for adding comments.
9 Lan

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